Ecofriendly worker 1.0


Project name: „Ecofriendly worker 1.0” Erasmus +, Key Action 2 VET, Small-scale Partnerships

Project period: 01/02/2022 – 31/01/2024
Project Leader: (CUP) Fundacja Centrum Umiejętności Praktycznych

Project Partners:

The main goal of the project is to raise environmental awareness among employees of 3 sectors of the economy during 24 months through the cooperation of two schools and a non-governmental organization operating in the field of vocational education.

1. Creating a set of examples of pro-ecological behavior in the workplace in the following industries: catering, construction and electricity.
2. The use of the so-called green means of transport, implementation of project activities using ecological methods.
3. Development of an ecofriendly worker certificate.
4. Raising the level of the so-called ecological skills, encouraging behavioral changes in individual preferences and habits.

The results:
– developing a set of examples of pro-ecological behavior in the workplace in the catering, construction and electricity industries based on the knowledge and experience of members of the project consortium,
– increasing environmental awareness and developing ecological behavior in the workplace,
– increasing knowledge in the field of: green management, green environment, recycling, paperless and digitalisation.

December, 2023

On December 7, 2023  International Meeting of Partners took place in Riga as part of the Ecofriendly worker 1.0 project.


Arrangements from the meeting:

  • Result O3 – Guide Raising the level of the so-called ecological skills, encouraging behavioral changes in individual preferences and habits WITHIN THE ERASMUS + PROJECT „Ecofriendly worker 1.0”.
  • Implementation and dissemination Result O3 – guide and scenarios of lessons.
  • 3 lessons scenarios of the catering, construction and electricity presentation by partners.
  • The partners presented several proposals of activities disseminating the project and its results.
  • Result O3 – Conclusions the latest trends of catering, construction and energetic industry and people expectations.
  • Dissemination, evaluation during the project – activities at schools, link, www, social media.
  • The financial aspects of project implementation in the next phase of the project were clarified.
  • Examples of pro-environmental behavior and solutions in the vocational school special focus on ecological behavior electrical and energetic industry – good practice in Rigas Valsts Tehnikums (RVT).
  • Questions regarding the maintenance of design documentation were clarified.
  • Administrative matters clarified.

In attachment:
Meeting schedule
Lesson scenarios of the construction – result 3
Lesson scenarios of the electricity – result 3
Lesson scenarios of the gastronomy – result 3

Photos below:

September, 2023

On September 21, 2023. an International Meeting of Partners took place in Vilnius as part of the Ecofriendly worker 1.0 project.


Arrangements from the meeting:

  • Draft of the guide was presented (result of O3) – Raising the level of the so-called ecological skills, encouraging to change behavior in individual preferences and habits as part of the “Ecofriendly worker 1.0” project.
  • Partners presented lessons scenario in the sector catering, construction and electrical industries were presented as an important part of the O3 result guide.
  • Partners discussed the latest trends in the catering, construction and energy industries and people’s expectations as a summary of result 3.
  • Decisions were made on methods of implementation and dissemination of Outcome O3 – a guide and lesson plans.
  • Further dissemination activities were presented.
  • The financial aspects of project implementation in the next phase of the project were clarified.
  • Questions regarding the maintenance of design documentation were clarified.
  • The date of the next meeting in Riga has been set.
  • Administrative matters clarified.


In attachment:

Meeting schedule

Draft-3 lessons scenarios of the catering, construction and electricity

Photos below:

June, 2023

On June 14-15, 2023. an International Meeting of Partners took place in Suwałki
as part of the Ecofriendly worker 1.0 project.

Arrangements from the meeting:
• Examples of pro-ecological behavior in the workplace in the catering industry were presented on the example of PSS Spolem, which was visited by project partners.
• Draft of the guide was presented (result of O3) – Raising the level of the so-called ecological skills, encouraging to change behavior in individual preferences and habits as part of the “Ecofriendly worker 1.0” project.
• Elements of pro-environmental behavior lessons scenario in the sector catering, construction and electrical industries were presented as an important part of the O3 result guide.
• Examples of the use of waste from the catering industry were discussed on the example of the Complex of Gastronomic Schools in Bialystok, which was visited by the project partners.
• The partners presented several proposals of activities disseminating the project and its results.
• Further dissemination activities were presented.
• The financial aspects of project implementation in the next phase of the project were clarified.
• Examples of pro-environmental behavior and solutions in the electricity and renewable energy sectors were discussed on the example of the Campus of the University of Bialystok visited by the project partners.
• Questions regarding the maintenance of design documentation were clarified.
• The dates of the next meetings with the Lithuanian partner were set.
• Administrative matters clarified.

In attachment:
Meeting schedule
Draft Guide – result 3
Photos below:

March-April, 2023

Partners discussing and working on Guide creation

On March and April 2023 Partners work for Guide – raising the level of the so-called environmental skills, encouraging behavioral changes in individual preferences and habits.

We are working on developed to increase knowledge in the field of green management, green environment, recycling, paperless and digitalisation.

February 24, 2023

Development of an “ecologically conscious worker” certificate – ecofriendly worker certificate

A certificate was prepared as part of the project aimed at increasing environmental awareness and developing ecological behavior in the workplace (attachment), the Ecofriendly Worker project developed an ecofriendly worker certificate.

This certificate contains a QR code, which, after watching a film prepared as part of a project on ecological behavior in various sectors of the economy, the person can download this certificate.

These certificates and the videos contained therein are intended to increase environmental awareness and develop ecological behavior in the workplace.


We provided the certificates to the entities cooperating with the project partners based.
Project partners hands out a certificate to partners (schools and companies) from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia which receives the highest point.

RĪGAS VALSTS TEHNIKUMS hands out a certificates to partners

January 11, 2023

The Ecofriendly Worker 1.0 project developed an ecofriendly worker certificate.

This certificate contains a QR code, which, after watching a film prepared as part of a project on ecological behavior in various sectors of the economy, the person can download this certificate.

These certificates and the videos contained therein are intended to increase environmental awareness and develop ecological behavior in the workplace.

We provided the certificates to the entities cooperating with the project partners based on the following criteria:
– participation and activity of the partners during the preparation of the Report containing research and analysis of the collection of examples of pro-ecological behavior in the workplace in the following industries: catering, construction and electricity. 0-1 point
– company’s experience in implementing pro-ecological solutions 0-1 point
– production or provision of pro-environmental services 0 -1 point
– hitherto cooperation firm with school (LT,LV) or foundation (CUP) in the development of projects 0-1 point
A partners can receive a maximum of 4 points.

Project Leader: (CUP) The Center for Practical Skills Foundation hands out a certificate to 6 partners VET schools in the Podlaskie Region that receives the highest points.
– Zespół Szkół Gastronomicznych w Białymstoku,
– Zespół Szkół Technicznych w Suwałkach,
– Zespół Szkół Technicznych i Organizacyjnych w Białymstoku,
– Zespół Szkół Zawodowych w Hajnówce,
– Zespół Szkół Centrum Kształcenia Rolniczego im. Krzysztofa Kluka w Rudce,
– Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących i Zawodowych.

November 30, 2022

Ceremonial awarding of prizes to the winners of the competition for an educational video “Pro-ecological behavior in the workplace” as part of the Ecofriendly worker1.0 project.

October 26, 2022

On 26th October we’ve had a meeting with the following arrangements:
– Examples of pro-ecological behavior in the workplace in the electric industry were discussed, based on the example of Schneider Electric Lexel Fabrika, which was visited by project partners with students from a partner school from Latvia.
– Each of the project partners presented 2 tools summarizing the report prepared in different versions.

Lithuanian partner: videos highlighting environmentally friendly behavior in construction and an article that will be disseminated in schools and building associations.

Latvian partner: prepared a brochure and poster as well as a questionnaire for students on pro-ecological behavior in the workplace in the energy sector.

Polish partner: organized a series of seminars at vocational schools in the Podlaskie Voivodeship and a competition for a film on pro-ecological behavior for students promoting pro-ecological principles and behavior in the workplace.

– The partners presented several proposals of activities to disseminate the report and its conclusions among teachers, pupils and companies.
– The next steps in the project, which is the development of an ecological worker certificate, were explained.
– Further dissemination activities were presented.
– Financial aspects of the project implementation in the next phase of the project are explained.
– Questions regarding the keeping of project documentation were clarified.
– The dates of the next meetings with the Polish partner were agreed.
– Administrative matters were clarified.

Meeting schedule

Videos environmentally friendly behavior in construction

Article environmentally friendly behavior in construction
Brochure on environmental behavior in the workplace
Poster on environmental behavior in the workplace

October 17, 2022


Wyniki konkursu na filmik edukacyjny „Zachowania proekologicznego w miejscu pracy” w ramach projektu Ecofriendlyworker1.0.

W dniu 14.10.2022 w Suwałkach przy ul. Innowacyjnej 1 odbyło się posiedzenie Komisji Konkursowej.

Zadaniem Komisji była weryfikacja złożonych dokumentów i filmików oraz dokonanie wyboru najlepszych prac zgodnie z kryteriami określonymi w regulaminie konkursowym projektu.

Po analizie złożonych prac Komisja Konkursowa wybrała i przyznała:

1 miejsce – Kamila Stanisławiuk, Klaudia Zajkowska, Kinga Budnik uczennice z Zespołu Szkół Technicznych i Ogólnokształcących im. Stanisława Staszica w Białymstoku
2 miejsce – Bartosz Dolistowski uczeń z Zespołu Szkół Technicznych w Suwałkach
3 miejsce – Mariola Jankowska uczennica z Zespołu Szkół Technicznych w Suwałkach

Prace konkursowe dostępne pod linkiem

Bartosz Giedziński, Dominik Ejsmont
Damian Ułanowicz, Konrad Pajewski,
Olaf Chmielewski z ZST Suwałki

Wszyscy wyżej wymienieni laureaci konkursu otrzymają nagrody i dyplomy zgodnie z regulaminem konkursu.
Dyplomy i nagrody zostaną przesłane pocztą bądź dostarczone do wyróżnionych uczniów i placówek.

Bardzo dziękuję wszystkim uczestnikom konkursu za nadesłane prace.


Wersja ENG

Results of the competition for the educational film “Ecological behavior in the workplace” under the project Ecofriendlyworker1.0.

On October 14, 2022 in Suwałki at ul. Innovative 1, a meeting of the Competition Committee was held.

The task of the Commission was to verify the submitted documents and videos and to select the best works in accordance with the criteria set out in the competition regulations of the project.

After analyzing the submitted works, the Competition Commission chose and awarded:

1st place – Kamila Stanisławiuk, Klaudia Zajkowska, Kinga Budnik students from the Technical School Complex in Bialystok
2nd place – Bartosz Dolistowski, a student from the Technical School Complex in Suwalki
3rd place – Mariola Jankowska, a student from the Technical School Complex in Suwalki

Projects for a contest available here

Bartosz Giedziński, Dominik Ejsmont
Damian Ułanowicz, Konrad Pajewski,
Olaf Chmielewski from ZST Suwalki

All the above-mentioned winners of the competition will receive prizes and diplomas in accordance with the competition regulations.
The diplomas and awards will be sent by post or delivered to the distinguished students and institutions.

Thank you very much to all participants of the competition for the submitted works.

October 03, 2022

August 25, 2022


Konkursu na filmik edukacyjny
„Zachowania proekologicznego w miejscu pracy”organizowany w ramach projektu Projekt: „Ecofriendly worker 1.0” Erasmus + Akcja 2 , Partnerstwa na małą skalę w sektorze Kształcenia i szkoleń zawodowych.
Zadanie konkursowe polega na wykonaniu krótkometrażowego filmiku edukacyjnego tematycznie nawiązującego do tematu, który brzmi „Zachowania proekologicznego w miejscu pracy”- krótka filmowa opowieść o zachowaniach proekologicznych w miejscu pracy.

Adresaci konkursu:
Konkurs skierowany jest do uczniów szkól zawodowych z terenu województwa podlaskiego.

Cele konkursu:
• Rozbudzanie zainteresowań ekologicznych wśród dzieci i młodzieży.
• Poszerzenie wiedzy na temat otaczającego świata.
• Zwiększenie świadomości ekologicznej i rozwijanie zachowań ekologicznych w miejscu pracy.
• Podniesienie wiedzy w zakresie zagadnień: green management, green environment, recycling, paperless i digitalisation.

Wyniki konkursu:
Prace do Konkursu należy przesłać wraz z załącznikami-skany nr 1 i nr 2 w dniach 26 września 2022r. do 7 października 2022r. (do godz. 23.59) na adres e-mail [email protected] z tytułem wiadomości „Konkurs dla uczniów ecofriendlyworker1.0” i w treści zawrzeć informacje: imię i nazwisko ucznia/uczniów maksymalnie 3 uczniów, szkoła z której uczniowie przygotowali filmik.

Komisja powołana przez organizatora Konkursu „Zachowania proekologicznego w miejscu pracy” wyłoni spośród przekazanych prac laureatów konkursu do dnia 14 października 2022r.


Regulamin konkursu
Załącznik nr 1
Załącznik nr 2


Competition for an educational video
“Ecological behavior in the workplace” organized as part of the project Project: “Ecofriendly worker 1.0” Erasmus + Action 2, Small-scale partnerships in the sector of vocational education and training.
The competition task is to make a short educational film thematically referring to the topic of “Environmentally friendly behavior in the workplace” – a short film story about environmental behavior in the workplace.

Target group of the competition:
The competition is aimed at students of vocational schools from the Podlaskie Voivodeship.

Objectives of the competition:
• Awakening ecological interests among children and adolescents.
• Expanding knowledge about the surrounding world.
• Increasing ecological awareness and developing ecological behavior in the workplace.
• Raising knowledge in the field of: green management, green environment, recycling, paperless and digitalisation.

Contest results:
Works for the Competition should be sent with attachments – scans No. 1 and No. 2 on 26 September 2022 to 7 October 2022 (until 23.59) to the e-mail address [email protected] with the title of the message “Competition for students ecofriendlyworker1.0” and in Content include information: name and surname of the student / students maximum 3 students, the school from which the students prepared the video.

The committee appointed by the organizer of the Competition “Ecological Behavior in the Workplace” will select the winners of the competition from among the submitted works by 14 October 2022.

Competition regulations
The presentation
Appendix No. 1
Appendix No. 2

August 08, 2022

One of the forms summarizing a report containing research and analysis of a set of examples of pro-ecological behavior in the workplace in the following industries: catering, construction and electricity will be videos.

Polish Project Leader – The Practical Skills Center Foundation has launched a competition for an educational video entitled “Ecological behavior in the workplace” organized as part of the project: “Ecofriendly worker 1.0” Erasmus + Action 2, Small-Scale Partnerships in the education and vocational training sector.

The competition is aimed at students of vocational schools from the Podlaskie Voivodeship.

The main goals of the competition are:
– Summary of a report containing research and analysis of a set of examples of pro-ecological behavior in the workplace,
– Awakening ecological interests among children and adolescents,
– Increasing environmental awareness and developing ecological behavior in the workplace,
– Raising knowledge in the field of: green management, green environment, recycling, paperless and digitalisation.
– Increase students awareness of the practical application of ecological principles in professional work, showing the purposefulness of ecology.

In July 2022. The organizers of the competition from the Practical Skills Center Foundation presented the main assumptions of the competition during meetings with over 150 students and 12 teachers from 6 schools in the Podlaskie voivodship, who participated in professional internships during the summer holidays. During the meetings, the organizers encouraged active participation in the competition and learning about pro-ecological behavior during professional internships.

 Photos from the meetings and presentations: 

June 16, 2022


Arrangements from the meeting:

• Reports prepared by partners were discussed, constituting a set of three analyzes of consortium members (PL, LT, LV) containing research and comparative analysis of examples of pro-ecological behavior in the workplace in the following industries: catering, construction and electricity.
• It was agreed that the Leader (CUP) would prepare a final report on all 3 parts prepared by the project partners.
• It was agreed that each partner selects 2 summary tools available in different versions.
• The partners prepare several proposals of activities to disseminate the report and its conclusions among teachers, students and companies.
• The next steps in the project activities are explained.
• The expert teams participating in the project implementation were presented.
• Financial aspects of the project implementation are explained.
• Forms of keeping project documentation were explained.
• The dates for the next meetings have been arranged.
• Administrative matters were clarified.


Schedule of the meeting

Reports prepared by project partners:
Lithuanian part 1
Lithuanian part 2
Latvian 1
Polish FINAL

Meeting photos:

March 17, 2022

On March 17, 2022. an International Meeting of Partners took place in Suwałki as part of the Ecofriendly worker 1.0 project.


Arrangements from the meeting:
• The project and its main tasks were presented,
• The main tasks to be performed and the role of each of the Partners have been defined,

• The deadline for preparing the result under the task was set: Creation of one report consisting of a set of three analyzes of consortium members (PL, LT, LV) including research and comparative analysis.


Report – Creating a set of examples of pro-ecological behavior in the workplace in the following industries: catering, construction and electricity.
• The plan for disseminating the project results was discussed,
• The form of evaluation of activities in the project has been established,
• A group of project participants was discussed,
• The form of recruiting project participants was established,
• Forms of cooperation and communication between partners have been defined,
• The financial aspects of the project implementation were explained,
• Forms of keeping project documentation explained,
• The dates of the next meetings have been agreed,
• Administrative matters were clarified.

Meeting photos: